


Official Website: http://www.primariaoltenita.ro/

Website Introducing the Settlement: http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olteni%C8%9Ba,

http://www.olteniteanul.ro/oltenita/, http://www.skytrip.ro/prezentare-judet-Calarasi.html


Health Tourism

  • aquapark:


Cultural and Conference Tourism

  • heritage site (national importance), built heritage (local importance):



  • permanent exhibition (national importance):

Muzeul de Arheologie - Muzeul Civilizaţiei „Gumelniţa” Olteniţa: http://muzeu-oltenita.cimec.ro/

Muzeul de Arta Olteniţa: http://muzeu-oltenita.cimec.ro/Arta/Muzeuldearta.aspx

Rezervaţia arheologică Gumelniţa: http://www.looms.ro/calarasi/turism/atractii-turistice/parcuri-nationale/rezervatia-arheologica-gumelnita/

  • Monasteries, churches:

http://www.skytrip.ro/, http://www.obiective-turistice.ro

Ecotourism, excursions

  • Natura 2000:


Water tourism

  • Port:

http://www.apdf.ro/oltenita.html, http://www.danube-ports.ro/porturi.html

  • Boat excursion:




  • festival de sport:


Other Services

  • police


  • pharmacy shop


  • doctor’s office


  • post office


  • restaurant, café


  •  ATM


  • Bank


  • Border station






Settlement name



27.328  inhabitants


109,55 km2

Administrative status


Location of settlement centre

44.086667, 26.636667

Height of settlement centre

26 m


Olteniţa is located in southern Romania în the Danube Meadow, 2.5 km downstream from the confluence of Arges and Danube rivers, on the left bank of the latter, near kilometre 430.

The city belongs administratively to Calarasi County and it is the second city in terms of inhabitants, economic, social and cultural activities after Calarasi City. It is located at only 62 km (approximately 1 hour) from Bucharest, the Romanian capital, to which it is linked by national road DN4 and Oltenita - Bucharest rail, 70 km from the county seat, Calarasi City, to which it is linked by national road DN 31 and the Danube, and 75 km from Giurgiu, to which it is linked by national road DN 41 and the Danube.

With regards to the origin of the city name, Oltenita, there are three variants: etymological – a local legend says that the name comes from the Bulgarian word Otdevlnita – milestone; traditional – the origin of the name is the innkeeper Nita Oltean; historical - the Roman citadel called Daphne - laurels (nymph loved by Apollo).

The first archaeological evidence proves the existence of the settlement from the Neolithic Age and attests the Boian culture; they were found at "wolf tail", 3.5 km north of the city; 4 km north-east of the city centre is the archaeological site after which the Neolithic culture Gumelniţa has been named. As the Danube is narrow (750m) here, Oltenita area was considered a favorably crossing from Bulgaria during the reign of Alexander the Great.

The settlement was first mentioned during the reign of Neagoe Basarab in a document dated April 13th, 1515.

Its advantageous geographical position, fertile soil, rich vegetation, wildlife diversity, a temperate climate, good ford crossing of the Danube and important point of border crossing and quarantine, customs with storage facilities for grain and salt were as many reasons for people to settle here. Thus, the settlement becomes an important economic and social centre, which is why Prince Barbu Ştirbei approves, in 1853, the foundation of Oltenita City. During the war of independence, Oltenita was the main point of defense of the capital.

From economic and social points of view, the city has begun to develop since 1990 and currently has 1145 businesses, of which 850 companies, a national company, six agricultural companies etc.

Its basic function is that of port on the Danube, to which an industrial function was subsequently added - construction and repair of motor ships, river passenger boats, tow boats, barges, foundry, furniture factory, prefabricated elements for building, food and light industries, etc.

Due to its location on the southern border of the country and its role of important point on the road going from West to East, the city becomes the border crossing point Oltenita - Tutrakan (Bulgaria), thus shortening the routes by 150 km.

The settlement was declared a municipality in 1997 by Law no. 165/1997.

Tourism development is a viable solution for the economic recovery of the area. The importance of tourism products and the development of the Danube ports is a priority that makes the resuming of the “Danube Cruises” program a necessity – approx. 20,000 foreign tourists.

Central Park is the main highlight of the city and a promenade place; leisure facilities are the Aqua Park, Casino, the two cinemas, two libraries, two sports halls etc.

The natural tourism potential of the city is concentrated on the river Danube: river cruises, boat rides or competitions, sports fishing area, beach area, the forest along the river – a place for recreation or sports hunting, Albina island;

- around the city: the tourism port, the Great Valley pond, the bank of Arges river, the area of Little Danube;

- anthropogenic tourist resources: the Gumelnita archaeological site (I, II) located on the outskirts of city, the Museum of Archaeology and History, the wall church founded in 1855 and dedicated to Saint Nicholas, the Water Tower, the Wooden Church and the Central Park.

Oltenita is the birth place of Ion Iliescu, Romania's first president after the fall of communism.

Local events are: Oltenita City Days, Blue Danube Dance Festival and various art exhibitions.

Oltenita offers a large variety of accommodation opportunities in villas, hotels, guest houses, motels, camping.                      

Source: http://www.primariaoltenita.ro/, http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olteni%C8%9Ba, http://www.obiective- turistice.ro/, www.insse.ro

