


Stema Tulcea

Settlement name



3771 inhabitants


35,0 km2

Administrative status


Location of settlement centre

45.183° N, 28.15° E

Height of settlement centre

20 m


Geographic location: The Commune Carcaliu is located in the North-Western part of Tulcea County, 25 km far from Braila City and 10 km from Macin town; the Commune encompasses a single settlement: Carcaliu.

Access Ways: The National Road 22 (DN 22).

Carcaliu Commune had been established during the XVII century as a settlement of Russian Lipovan people settled on the stone promontory in the neighborhood of Balta Brailei, its ancient name, Camini, meaning “stone”.

The inhabitants main occupation was the fishing. The old households have merged within the village flood protected area. Compared with the other Tulcea County communes, Carcaliu own economical base is a poor one.

Carcaliu commune territory is located within the nature unit Macin, which covers the North-Western part of the Dobrudja territory and presents the highest altitudes: Cazbujea 420 m, Turcoaia 344 m.

Tourist attractions: Carcaliu is situated within an area presenting a very high potential, located between the Danube River and the Macin National Park. The Park encompasses two representative zones:

  • Pricopanului Peak within the North-Western side of the park, poorly forested, dominated by rocks and abrupt slopes;
  • The main peak, a forested area presenting on the North-Western side an abrupt relief, lowered to the South, as some smooth slopes versant, with large hydrographical wooded basins.

Macinului Mountains are the most ancient mountains chain in Romania, formed during the Hercinian orogenesis, that took place 300-400 million years ago. The relief is very uneven in the North-Western side of the mountain. The area altitude is between 7 and 467 m high. Here the Macinului Peak and Pricopanului Peak are noted.

The tourism sector could represent the engine of the area economical growth considering the nature potential, though actually it covers only a poor share of the economy. The Agro Tourism could benefit of great development opportunities, while the region has a huge anthropic and nature potential. Various hiking parties can be organized while interesting relaxing activities can be performed in the area. The commune local administration is concerned by the tourism infrastructure development and modernization considering the nature tourism resources development and the increasing of the tourism services quality, encouraging new investments in the establishment of new boarding houses, holiday residences, motor inns, camp sites, restaurant with local specificity, fishing centers, summer sportive camps, etc.   


