


Official Website:

Website Introducing the Settlement: http://www.primariaonline.ro/judet-Teleorman/primarie-pietrosani









Settlement name



3958 inhabitants


113,8 km2

Administrative status


Location of settlement centre

Height of settlement centre

43°43’N,  25°38’ E

35 m



Pietrosani is a commune in the county Teleorman, and is composed by only one village, that has the same name. It is situated in the South part of Romania, in the Danube Meadow, in the South-East end of the county Teleorman. Near the village, there is a channel built in 1930 that allows the river Vedea to flow into the Danube. It is situated at a distance of 36 km to the city Giurgiu and 26 to Zimnicea and 45 to Alexandria.

The existence of ancient civilizations in the village is proved by the archaeological traces discovered in the West side of the village, in the area called “Reca”, on the bank of the river Vedea. It seems that the retrenchment of the settlement was built by the Romans in the place where an ancient Getic fortress. The castrum in Reca was built either in the period of the great wars between the Dacians and the Romans, either in the period when Dacia was occupied by the Romans, in the 1st – 2nd cent. AD. It seems that this castrum was extremely important due to the fact that it was built outside the territory occupied by the Romans, outside the province Dacia.

Other diggings made in the area revealed settlements dating from the period of the migration of the peoples, after Dacia was left by the Romans.

The main occupations of the locals are: animal raising, winegrowing, sheep raising and fishing. The great surfaces of arable land encourage the cultivation of cereals and technical plants.

