


Stema Tulcea

Settlement name



691  inhabitants


311,41 km2

Administrative status

Village common residence

Location of settlement centre

45.3, 28.966

Height of settlement centre

8 m


Pardina Commune is situated in the Northern part of Tulcea County covering 12 km of the Danube right bank, on Chilia Branch. It encompasses a single village, meaning Pardina. The access ways are nautical and road ones, while the distance between Pardina Commune and Tulcea City is of 37 km. The village is located on the right side of Chilia Veche Branch, covering a length of 6 km.

The commune name comes from Pardin, a word meaning umbrella in Ukrainian.

The population of the Commune gathers Ukrainian and Moldovan people who came here for performing agricultural works and decided to settle here. Main economic activities are the agriculture, the tourism and the pisciculture. The fishing as traditional occupation is going to disappear because the old fishermen died and the younger people do not happily join this profession. The agro-tourism knows a very poor development, as long as a single one company acting in this field is established within the locality.

The main tourist objective is the Saint Atanasie Monastery built of wood, the inside of the building being sculptured by artisans from Suceava. 13 km away on the access water way can be found the fishermen  village named Mila 23, the origin place of the great champion Ivan Patzaichin, winner of many World and Olympic medals for Romania for its kayak canoe exceptional performances.

Driving by road or sailing by water by boat people can reach to Chilia Veche. The attraction point of Chilia Veche Commune is the Ancient Ritual Orthodox Church having as patrons the Saint Archangels Mihail and Gavril, built during 1897-1925. On the water wonderful landscapes of the near lakes Babina, Matita and Merhei can be admired. On the water glass the largest pelican colonies in the Danube Delta can be seen. The rich fauna and flora existing in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation define a wonderful place perfect for spending the holidays and also for fishing and hunting parties. Jogging and promenades can be performed on the dyke surrounding the agriculture precinct.

In Pardina Commune boarding units of 2 and 3 daisies can be found as real oasis of serenity, away from noise and traffic of the urban civilization, offering the opportunity of spending relaxing, unforgettable days within the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation.

Customs and traditions inherited from the ancestors are connected to the most important festive events of the inhabitants life: the Eastern, Christmas Carols, etc. The previous century traditions have been adapted to our times gathering the influences of the Ukrainian and equally Moldavian people.                     


