C. A. Rosetti



Official Website: http://www.paginadestart.com/primaria/c_a_rosetti/site/

Website Introducing the Settlement:  http://www.info-delta.ro/, http://www.fotodelta.ro, http://www.ghidulprimariilor.ro/business.php/PRIMARIA-CA-ROSETTI/120209/, http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/C.A._Rosetti,_Tulcea


Cultural and Conference Tourism

  • Monasteries, churches:

http://www.biserici.org/index.php?menu=CU, http://www.crestinortodox.ro/biserici-manastiri-harta/biserica-sfistofca-c-a-rosetti-29040.html

Ecotourism, excursions

  • Ramsar sites, Natura 2000, Nature protection area:

 http://www.ddbra.ro/#, http://www.delta-dunarii.info/, http://www.deltadunarii.ro/, http://www.info-delta.ro/delta-dunarii-17/, http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/Natura2000/SDFPublic.aspx?site=ROSPA0031, http://natura2000.mmediu.ro/site/6/rosci0065.html, http://apmtl.anpm.ro/rezervatii_naturale_in_judetul_tulcea-4048, http://www.skytrip.ro/obiective-naturale-in-judetul-tulcea.html, http://www.skytrip.ro/padurea-letea-din-judetul-tulcea-ob-2535.html

  • Tourist path, nature trail:

http://www.ddbra.ro/#, http://www.academiapescarilor.ro/delta-dunarii-periprava/2010/09/24

Gastro tourism

  • Gastronomic speciality:


Water tourism

  • Pleasure boat, boat excursion:

http://www.indeltadunarii.ro/, http://www.info-delta.ro/calator-in-delta-dunarii-49/


  • Lake:

http://www.info-delta.ro/pescuit-18/, http://www.edelta.ro/pescuit/3-informatii-utile

Other Services

  • Police


  • post office


  • Restaurant



  • Hotel:


  • Pension:


  • Other accommodation (holiday house, villas):

http://www.ecoturism-delta-dunarii.ro/complex-turistic-11-casute-vacanta.html, http://www.cazarelanoi.ro/cazare/delta_dunarii/tulcea/c_a_rosetti.htm,




Stema Tulcea

Settlement name

C.A. Rosetti


1256  inhabitants


266,36  km2

Administrative status


Location of settlement centre

45.3, 29.566667

Height of settlement centre



C. A. Rosetti is a commune located in Tulcea County, Dobrogea, in the Central – Southern side of Letea Sand Bank, in the North-Eastern side of Danube Delta. The five villages encompassed by the commune are: C.A.Rossetti - village as seat of the county, Cardon, Letea, Periprava and Sfiştofca. Village lanes are parallel designed, according to the orientation of sand dunes encompassed by the sand bank.

102 km far from Tulcea municipality, C.A.Rossetti is one of the most insulated human settlements in the Biosphere Reservation of Danube Delta. The transportation is the villagers heaviest burden, who during the winter are completely insulated due to the frost. This problem can be solved by building the road between C.A.Rossetti and Sulina and the bridge over the Cardon Channel. Though designed since 1995, the road is now only 85 % finalized. Other component settlements are located at the following distances from the commune seat: Letea at 4 km, Periprava at 14 km, Sfistoca at 2 km, Cardon 8 km far from C. A. Rossetti. All the villages are water stream connected: Letea is at Magearu Channel connected; Periprava is at Chilia Branch connected, Sfistoca and Cardon at the channel between Sulina and Popina piscicultural complex. The access towards C.A.Rosetti is made by passenger ships, toward Periprava or Sulina, and also by land transportation ways, on the following communal roads: DC2: Sulina – Cardon – C.A.Rosetti (cobbled road in an acceptable status, total length of 16 km); DC3: C.A.Rosetti – Periprava, (total length 15 km, made of earth-sand); DC4: Letea – C.A.Rosetti – Sfistoca (7 km long, the sector between Letea and S.A. Rosetti is cobbled, while the sector between C.A.Rosetti and Sfistoca, 3 km long, is made of earth).

Main economical activities are the fishing and agro-tourism. Commune population gathers Russian, Lipovans, Ukrainian people, their main occupations being specific to the area, as the agriculture, forestry and animal breeding. Secondary activities are the wine growing (the inhabitants are here preparing a wine named CUDRIC), the hunting and fishing.

Core infrastructure rehabilitation and development would result in the tourist sector development within the commune territory, with a great impact on the population life standard – new jobs, local economy impetus and maybe new investors involvement. The area specificity, the location inside the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation assures a high potential for agro tourism development on the commune territory.

In spite of the poverty image showed by the multitude of deserted and ruined houses, traveler eye is impressed by the cleanliness, tidiness and flower gardens that can be seen into the yards. There is a multitude of attraction points and a lot of trips can be made on tourist routes towards places of an extraordinary beauty. The interest points within C.A.Rosetti commune are: the wind mill; the fishery in Periprava village; Lipovan churches in Periprava, the Letea Forest; the sand dunes; the big salting; the Magearu Channel; the Matita Lake (with an area of 652.5 ha); the Merhei Lake (with an area of 1057.5 ha). In Periprava, the little fishing lake, the last settlement on the right side of Chilia Branch, there was a dreaded communist camp.  Nowadays on its ruins a nice tourist complex (Last Frontier) has been built.

A special priority of Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation have the channels, streams and lakes rehabilitation by maintaining an optimal hydrologic regime keeping in mind the unsilting of the Channel SULINA – POPINA – PERIPRAVA.

The greatest attraction of C.A. Rosetti Commune is the nature reservation – the Letea Forest (covering around 2285 ha). Situated on Letea Sand Bank, on a sandy soil, the reservation is alike a tropical forest, here can be seen grayish oaks (reaching 25 m high),  elm trees, alder trees, poplars, meadow ash trees, pond ash trees, white poplars, black poplars, white linden trees, where hawks, owls, wild ducks, white tail vultures, lynxes and snakes are living. Into the sand dunes near the forest are living turtles, lizards together with around 1800 species of insects. Though the climate is not a Mediterranean one, we can find into the Letea Forest clamberer plants – creeper (vitis silvestris), periploca, hops, clematis, and as bushes we mention the hawthorn, privet, spindle tree, the cornel tree, the bloody twig, the cornball tree. In springtime the forest looks as an immaculate carpet woven of lily-of-the-trees (Convollaria majalis).

In the GRIND area there are holiday houses, modern equipped, built of wood, with reed roofs, endowed with inner bathrooms and a dining room (completely equipped), including a kitchen, a bathroom and the heating unit, as an annex. The cottages are exclusively meant to host the tourists visiting the area, especially for attending the hunting and fishing parties, and also for traveling by boats on different water routes in Danube Delta, the main attraction point being the Letea Forest.

The comfortable holiday and boarding houses offer excellent accommodation, for 3,2,1 stars, respectively 3,2,1 daisies and also information concerning the trips organized on tourist or personalized routes in the Danube Delta, using different boat types – Sulina – Periprava, on the route Sulina – Cardon Channel – Sfistoca Channel – Periprava;

- Sulina – Periprava, on the route: Cardon Channel – Musura Bay – Musura Branch – Stambulul Vechi Branch – Chilia Branch – Periprava;

Trips to the highest areas can also be made, on the following routes: Commune Letea – Commune C.A.Rosetti – Letea Forest – Nebunu Lake and return.

Yearly traditions and habits and those connected to the life cycle are the proof of people good-faith.      


Source  :http://www.paginadestart.com/primaria/c_a_rosetti/site/ , http://www.info-delta.ro/, http://www.fotodelta.ro,


C. A. Rosetti
C. A. Rosetti
C. A. Rosetti
C. A. Rosetti
C. A. Rosetti