


  Feketeerdő címere

Settlement name



496 inhabitants


674 ha

Administrative status


Location of settlement centre

47.93500, 17.27900

Height of settlement centre

124 m


Feketeerdő lies along Road 1401, between Mosonmagyaróvár and Dunakiliti. The settlement is embraced by Mosoni-Duna (Danube of Moson) in a horseshoe form. In writing it was first mentioned at the end of the 13th century. In its neighbourhood there were moors and thick forests and, presumably, this is where the village got its name from. Thanks to its being secluded, the village escaped the major devastations (by the Tatars and Turks). Its bridge was built only in the 20th century on Mosoni-Duna.

The seven oaks standing in Hét vezér tér (Square of Seven Chieftains) were planted in 1896, the year of the millennium. The Roman Catholic church of the village having 10 streets and 500 inhabitants was built in the 19th century and with this it is considered to be the oldest building of the settlement. In terms of public administration, Feketeerdő belonged to Dunakiliti for a long time and it became independent after the change of the regime. In the village there is an animal park presenting species of animals of ancient Hungarian origin. If you are interested in our predecessors taking part in the conquest, you should visit the workshop of bowyer master Grózer Csaba, where you can have an insight in preparing Scythian, Hunnish, Hungarian and other bows.

Sources: http://szigetkoz.eu/, http://hu.wikipedia.org/, http://www.thermal-movar.hu/, http://www.gymsmo.hu/