


Settlement name



4 501 inhabitants


6 753 ha

Administrative status

large village

Location of settlement centre

46.46530, 18.82630

Height of settlement centre

90- 95 m


Fadd lies in Tolna County, where Mezőföld and Sárköz meet. Its traditional industry is tobacco and paprika growing. By road you can get to the settlement by turning off Road 56. It is located 20 km away both from Szekszárd and Paks and the settlement is connected with Fajsz by a ferry service. On the banks of its 12-kilometre-long Holt-Duna (Dead Danube) branch there is a popular resort (Dombori). Its single monument is its Gothic church built in 1878 and kept in a very nice condition.

From the main square of the village a narrow road leads to the recreation area. Reaching Volent-öböl (Volent Bay), a wonderful environment and well-kept parks await you. The Danube branch of Fadd is popular with bathers, anglers and sportsmen, as well. On the banks several built-out beaches and sports facilities (football, handball, basketball and beach volleyball) await vacationers. In the evenings places of entertainment, catering establishments and restaurants welcome their guests. Because of the good conditions and the frequent catches anglers like the water, which has become famous for its giant catfish but also carps, grass carps and silver carps can be caught here.  A rowing track suitable for holding competitions has been developed in the dead branch. Kayaks, canoes, boats and paddle-boats can be rented. Both professionals and amateurs can row on the Danube branch of Fadd and the neighbouring Tolna-Danbue branch whose total length is 35 km.

In order to entertain the guests, Dombori Nyári Fesztivál (Dombori Summer Festival) with beauty contest, dance competition and concerts is organised every year. A wide selection of places of accommodation awaits vacationers and youth's and children's camps are also frequently organised in Fadd-Dombori. On the first Sunday after Pentecost a church-ale and on the first Saturday of October a Vintage Day is held in the village. Mítosz Mesegaléria (Myth Tale Gallery) radiating Hungarian folktale atmosphere and comprising the private collection of Gáti Mariann can be found in Templom utca (Church Street). During the guided tour the paintings, peasant icons and wood and clay sculptures of the gallery are presented. Upon request, it is also possible to have a pottery show.

Sources: http://www.dombori.hu/, http://hu.wikipedia.org/, http://www.vendegvaro.hu/, http://www.iranymagyarorszag.hu/

